World India Karnataka Chitradurga Vani Vilas Sagar Dam

Vani Vilas Sagar Dam , Chitradurga

Type of Destination
Scenic, Lake
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India Karnataka Vani Vilas Sagar Dam

About Vani Vilas Sagar Dam

Vani Vilas Sagar Dam or Vani Vilasa Sagara, also known as Mari Kanive, is the oldest dam of Karnataka, situated in Hiriyur taluk of Chitradurga district. The Mysore Maharajas built it on the Vedavathi River before Independence. It irrigates more than hundred square kilometer of land, and acts a reservoir of domestic water for Chitradurga and Hiriyur. It is measured by 162 ft by 1300 ft, and stands with two pavilion halls that have been built using the saracenic style of architecture. The uniqueness of the dam is not just the date and the style of built, but also that it has been developed over the years in a way that protects the forest cover around the area. Thus, making it a known tourist spot as well as a weekend picnic getaway.

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