World India Andhra Pradesh Horsley Hills Gurramkonda Fort

Gurramkonda Fort , Horsley Hills

Type of Destination
Historical, Fort, Monument
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Best time to visit Gurramkonda Fort

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Horsley Hills
Andhra Pradesh Gurramkonda Fort

About Gurramkonda Fort

Gurramkonda Fort is located near Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India. It was built about 500 years back. Earlier it was built of mud and rock but was later strengthened by constructing rock walls. The fort is located at a height of 2125 feet. All the history geeks will be impressed by the fort ramparts. Mir Raza Ali Khan's tomb and Rangin Mahal Palace also attract attention. It is said that there was a statue of a horse in the fort which protected the fort from the attacks of the enemies. The Marathas attacked the fort many times but failed. When they came to know about the horse, the Maratha chief stole the horse and they succeeded the next time they attacked. The best time to visit is September – December. However, there is no accommodation available in this area.

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