World India Karnataka Horsley Hills Murugamalla

Murugamalla , Horsley Hills

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Kannada & Hindi
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Horsley Hills
India Karnataka Murugamalla

About Murugamalla

Murugamalla is popular for Hazrath Faqeeh Shah Vali and Hazratha Syeda Pacha Bi Bi’s dargah popularly known Amma Jan and Bawa Jan's Dargah. This is a place of great importance for Hindus and Muslims. A perfect example of secularism as it is a place of worship and religious importance for Muslims as well as Hindus. After sincere efforts on the part of various authorities including the Wakf board and the state government; it’s a beautiful place that has captured the very life blood of India. There's what we call the Sri Mukteeshwara Swamy Temple here. It's beautiful in its simplicity. Visiting the place will make you feel good in several ways. You feel proud of your identity as an Indian and you feel at accord with yourself and soul. This is a lovely place which you must visit if only to pay homage to the spirit of India. 

3.6 ( 8 )

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