World India Maharashtra Mumbai Chowpatty Beach, Mumbai

Chowpatty Beach, Mumbai , Mumbai

Type of Destination
Beaches, Shopping, Plaza/Street
Languages Spoken
Marathi, Hindi & English
Chowpatty Beach, Mumbai Altitude

Best time to visit Chowpatty Beach, Mumbai

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India Maharashtra Chowpatty Beach, Mumbai

About Chowpatty Beach, Mumbai

Located at the northern end of Marine Drive. Chowpatty is Mumbai’s most famous and popular beach spot. Much of a hubbub, it’s not the cleanest spot to enjoy the sea, but it is the busiest and most cosmopolitan. Office workers, business types, rick shall riders and families rub shoulders. There’s a great deal to see and do here and it’s a great introduction to Indian culture, seeing how Indians relax and enjoy themselves when the working day is over.

2.5 ( 2 )

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Traveller Community User
Jul 09, 2014
As a rule, avoid swim on any of the beaches in Mumbai, the water is neither safe nor clean.
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