World India Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Sikri Buland Darwaza

Buland Darwaza , Fatehpur Sikri

Type of Destination
Historical, Monument
Languages Spoken
Hindi & English
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Fatehpur Sikri
India Uttar Pradesh Buland Darwaza

About Buland Darwaza

Tourists visiting Fatehpur Sikri can not miss the Buland Darwaza. It is well termed as “Gate of Magnificence”. This building was built by Emperor Akbar to celebrate his victory over Gujarat in 16th century. The flight of steps heightens the Buland Darwaza. It lays on the courtyard of Mosque. Mostly made up of red and buff stones, the building has tiny turrets on its roof. The black and white marble carve inlays provides a exquisite finish to the building.   The archway is totally 54 m from ground level. It acts as a 15 storied gateway to Fatehpur Shikri city. The Islamic inscriptions throw light on the Akbar’s secularism and his broad mindedness.

4.5 ( 1 )

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