World India Maharashtra Navi Mumbai Karnala Fort

Karnala Fort , Navi Mumbai

Type of Destination
Historical, Trekking, Wildlife
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Navi Mumbai
India Maharashtra Karnala Fort

About Karnala Fort

Funnel Hills, as termed by Local People of Navi Mumbai, the Karnala Fort is just 10 km from Panvel. Located amidst of reserved Karnala Bird Sanctuary, the fort was said to be established by Tughlaq rulers in 14th century. During 14th century Karnala served as capital city for North Konkan Districts. In later years the fort was controlled by various rulers like Nizam of Ahmednagar, Shivaji, Mughals and Peshwas. You can see a huge Basalt Pillar of 125 meter high which served as watch tower in ancient times and is called as Pandus Tower. The steep rocky terrain amidst of lush greenery is very popular among the trekkers. Carvings of elephants and tigers decorate the fort gateways. Natural water reservoirs can be spotted in the surroundings of Karnala Fort.

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