World India Rajasthan Bhiwadi

Bhiwadi , Rajasthan

Type of Destination
City, Lake
Languages Spoken
Rajasthani, Marwari, Hindi & English
Bhiwadi Altitude

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Rajasthan Bhiwadi

About Bhiwadi

Located at the border of Haryana and Rajasthan, Bhiwadi is an Industrial town that has a huge contribution to the Indian steel plant Industry. It is at a distance of 70 km from Delhi and 49 km from Gurgaon. Bhiwadi is a very small town with ample Government offices, Electronic telephone exchange and Excise departments are located here. The best time to visit Bhiwadi would be from October to March when the weather remains pleasant. Some of the well-known tourist places here are the Vijay Mandir constructed by Maharaja Jai Singh, Sita Ram ji temple dedicated to Lord Ram is situated there. There is a huge lake called Jaisamand Lake which is the second largest lake in Asia. Manesar Lake is another attraction in Haryana which serves as a very good picnic spot.

Bhiwadi does not back out on its wildlife preservation, the Sultanpur bird sanctuary, Sariska wildlife sanctuary. Among other attractions, there are peaceful gardens with lip-smacking street food on the sidewalk and a few museums to give that historical touch.

4.5 ( 1 )

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