World India Maharashtra Mumbai Haji Ali Dargah

Haji Ali Dargah , Mumbai

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Marathi, Hindi
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India Maharashtra Haji Ali Dargah

About Haji Ali Dargah

Haji Ali Dargah, located on an islet in South Mumbai (off Worli coast) is a mosque and a tomb of Syed Peer Haji Ali Shah Bukhari. It is one of the oldest landmark of this bustling metropolis and a visit to this Dargah is a truly spiritual and humbling experience for many. Interestingly the Dargah can be accessed through a small walkway during low tide. The area is teeming with devotees and tourists year round, but is particularly crowded on thursdays, fridays, sundays and during Eid and other festivals as per the Islamic calender. 

3.3 ( 2 )

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